Bachelor’s Degree in French Language with a profile in “Language, Literature and French Civilization”

Bachelor’s Degree in French Language with a profile in “Language, Literature and French Civilization”

Academic title of the study Bachelor's Degree in French Language with a profile in Language, Literature and French Civilization
Study cycle First Cycle Studies
Name and status of the institution University of Tirana, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Public Institution
Language used in teaching/exams Albanian, French, Language C, Language D
The official duration of the study program 3 (three) years
Type of study Full -time
Access requiremnts According to merit criteria of the state matura
Objectives and formative activities of the study program

The Bachelor’s program in French with a profile  in ” Language, Literature and Civilization” is offered at the Faculty of Foreign Languages by the Department of French and aims to prepare specialists with very good knowledge not only of the written and  spoken language, but also of French culture, history and literature.

This study program offers:
  • not only advanced knowledge   of the written  and  spoken language, but also of French culture, history and literature, including  critical thinking of theories and principles in this field of study.
  • advanced skills that demonstrate high competence and innovation, required to solve complex and unpredictable problems in this field of study.
The program has the following objectives:
  • To offer in-depth theoretical training in teaching subjects using language skills.
  • To provide knowledge on the French  language, literature and culture .
  • To develop acquired skills in the field of teaching.
  • To develop skills for reflection and professional development.

The program, with a wide range of subjects, provided during 3 (three) years of study, includes diverse disciplines, which provide general university education  specialized in the relevant field, as well as aim to:

  • Endow students with very good knowledge not only of the written and spoken language, but also  of French culture, history and literature.
  • Equip students with very good knowledge of the second foreign language, language C;
  • achieve high   mastery of the Albanian language (language A);
  • be able to communicate and switch from one language to another, in different contexts and fields, using appropriate language registers in accordance with the interlocutors.
  • apply the linguistic, philological and literary competences obtained to carry out bibliographic research, to draw up summaries and relations on certain research arguments.
  • implement learning tools for updating and deepening the arguments studied in professional contexts; as well as to undertake further studies.
Opportunities for employment and professional qualification

The Faculty of Foreign Languages offers further training for students in coordination with employers. These trainings are related to different topics and in accordance with the scientific education and the needs of the students in the labor market.

Students can be employed part-time in companies with which FFL has signed a Cooperation Agreement. Our students can be employed in the public and private sector such as: Educational institutions, media, publishing houses, cultural and tourism institutions, translation agencies.

Students  graduated from the Bachelor program can be employed as:
  • Teacher of foreign language centers.
  • Tourist guide in museums, historical and cultural centers.
  • Tourist info-points near municipalities throughout the country.
  • Clerk of foreign and public relations offices in all public and private institutions.
  • Employee of written and visual media.
  • Employee of Albanian embassies abroad or of foreign embassies in Albania.
  • Researcher and cultural mediator.
Further studies at FFL-UT

The Bachelor’s degree in “French Language” with a profile  in “Language, Literature and  French Civilization” provides further study opportunities in the Second Cycle of Study and/or in the programs of other cycles provided by other legal and by-laws in force.

  • Master of Science in “Teacher of French Language for  Upper Secondary Education”
  • Master of Science in “Language and Intercultural Communication and Tourism”
  • Master of Science in “Technical – Literary Translation and Interpretation”
  • Professional master’s degree in “Translation” with the profile of Translator
  • Master of Science in Automatic Language Processing, specialty Automatic and linguistic processing of written documents
Erasmus + scholarship program funded by the European Union

Our students have the opportunity to conduct one or two semesters of study at foreign partner universities with which FFL-UT has concluded inter-institutional agreements Erasmus + KA1, in: Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Portugal, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Czech Republic, Latvia, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovenia, Romania.

PROGRAMME STRUCTURE Bachelor in French Language with Profile in Language, Literature and French Civilization

Bachelor in French Language with Profile in Language, Literature and French Civilization
1. Morphology of Language A 4 I 40
2. Synthax of Language A 4 I 40
3. Practical Usage of Language B (1) 12 I 120
4. Spoken Language B 4 I 40
5. Language C (1) 4 I 40
7. Electives 4 II 40
7. Morphology of Language B (1) 4 II 40
8. Phonetics of Language B 4 II 40
9. Civilization of Language B 4 II 40
10. Written Language B 4 II 40
11. Text Typology of Language B(1) 4 II 40
12. Language C (2) 4 II 40
Methodology of University Studies/ Literature of Language A/ Applied French Grammar/ Sports
Total 60 600
1. Theory of Literature 4 I 40
2. Morphology of Language B (2) 4 I 40
3. Text Typology of Language B(2) 4 I 40
4. Introduction to Linguistics 4 I 40
5. Language C (3) 4 I 40
6. Stylistics of Language B 4 I 40
7. Introduction to Theory of Communication 4 I 40
8. Electives 8 I/II 80
9. Synthax of Language B 4 II 40
10 History of Language B 4 II 40
11. Text Typology of Language B (3) 4 II 40
12. Literature of Language B (1) 4 II 40
13 Lexicology of Language B 4 II 40
14. Language C(4) 4 II 40
ELECTIVES Latin/ Language D/ Lexicography/French Literature and Culture/ Introduction to history of international institutions
Total 60 600
1. Didactics of the Foreign Language (I) 4 I 40
2. Poetics of Literary Genres of Language B 4 I 40
3. Literature of Language B (2) 4 I 40
4. Structured Commentary 4 I 40
5. Language C (5) 4 I 40
6. Text Linguistics 4 I 40
7. Electives 8 I 80
8. Didactics of the Foreign Language (II) 8 I/II 80
9. Translation (A-B) 4 II 40
10. Literature of Language B (3) 4 II 40
11. History of Linguistic Theories 4 II 40
12. French Linguistics and History of Language B 4 II 40
Final Examination 6 II
ELECTIVES: Language D/ Psychology/ Pedagogy/ Diversity of methods for French language Teaching
Total 60 560
Total in 3 years 180 1760