National forum VI of Albanian Francophone Women, 2023 innovation and technology for empowering women – Woman’s image in social networks”


National forum VI of Albanian Francophone Women, 2023

“Innovation and technology for empowering women – Woman’s image in social networks”.

“Empowerment of women through innovation and technology” was the theme of the VI Forum, organized by the Francophone Women’s Forum – University of Tirana, University of Vlora, University of Shkodra and University Agency of Francophone.

March 7th and 8th become more beautiful when we affect, even a little, a positive change someone’s life, and in this case, with good experiences of digital entrepreneurship and innovation.

The participation of women and other marginalized groups in the technology sector results in a more creative solution and offers greater potential for innovations that meet the needs of women, promote gender equality and increase the well-being of the society.

For the empowerment of women, it is important to strengthen their digital skills and their access to technology. Therefore, the need for inclusive and transformative technology and digital education is essential for a better societal future.

  • A gender responsive approach to innovation, technology and digital education can increase women’s and girls’ awareness of their rights and civic engagement.
  • Advances in digital technologies offer tremendous opportunities for sustainable economic development.

Issues discussed in these activities were:

  • Involvement of women in the field of innovation and technology and their contribution.
  • Creation of information and communication technology enterprises and the challenges of this enterprise for a woman.
  • Albanian economy income from entrepreneurship and the grave of innovation and technology.
  • Portrayal of Albanian women in social networks: gender-based violence.