FFL has been engaged over the years to promote the rights of women and girls, protection from discrimination and advocacy for gender equality through education, training, and various awareness forums. The most important contributions of these organized activities are from the Francophone Women’s Forums and from the student forums, the academic and academic support staff, which have encouraged initiatives for women’s empowerment and support for gender issues.
“Any unequal treatment of an individual compared to an individual of the opposite sex under the same or similar circumstances is considered direct gender discrimination”
Gender equality is a cornerstone in the democratic development process of a nation. In order to assure democratic development, it is necessary to take into consideration all the gender inequalities that characterize today’s family, community, labor market, and society in general.
Protection of the rights of women/girls, equal gender positions, equal opportunities to enjoy all rights and to put individual potentials to use in the development of society, equal gender treatment, elimination and prevention of any form of gender discrimination – are some of the topics addressed in promotional activities by our institution FFL.
The topic of the 6th edition of the Albanian Francophone Women’s Forum, which will take place at the University of Vlora, on March 7, 2023, at 9:30 a.m., will be:
“Innovation and technology for women’s empowerment – The representation of women in social networks”