– Angazhimin e tyre të drejtpërdrejtë në projekte mësimore-kërkimore;
– Mundësitë e shumta të mobilitetit në kuadër të shkëmbimeve Erasmus+;
– Veprimtaritë me karakter social dhe kulturor në kuadër të pjesëmarrjes së tyre në klubet e shumta studentore të FGJH-së
Krahas fillimit të procesit mësimor, dy javët e para do të shërbejnë edhe si javë informuese dhe orientuese për studentët tanë në lidhje me të gjitha shërbimet që ofron FGJH.

First-year students from the Departments of English, German, French, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Slavic and Balkan Languages (including Turkish and Russian) were introduced to the specific features of their respective study programs, the organizational structure of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, as well as their rights and responsibilities as students.
Furthermore, students were informed about the various opportunities available throughout their academic journey in the Bachelor’s program and later in Master’s programs, particularly with regard to:
Their active participation in educational and research projects;
Numerous opportunities for academic mobility through Erasmus+ exchange programs;
Social and cultural activities through participation in the many student clubs of the Faculty of Foreign Languages (FFL).
In addition to the start of the teaching process, the first two weeks will also serve as informative and orientation sessions, offering students detailed insights into all the services provided by the FFL.
The Faculty of Foreign Languages extends its best wishes for success to all students and faculty members for the upcoming academic year. With the firm belief that this marks an excellent beginning, it is hoped that every student embarks on a fruitful academic journey enriched with the finest academic experiences.