Takimet u gjallëruan nga pyetje të shumta dhe u zhvilluan në një atmosferë interaktive.

#PanairiILibrit #KonferencatPërPërkthyesit #Letërsia #Përkthimi #ShoqataEBotuesve #FakultetiIGjuhëve #PërkthimNonfiction #PërkthimPërFëmijë
On November 14-15, 2024, the Publishers’ Association and the Faculty of Foreign Languages organized three fruitful conferences for young translators, with the participation of three renowned translators each of whom highlighted the specific aspects of translation and the details that make the difference in achieving an accurate and suitable translation for its intended audience:

The meetings were lively, with many questions, and were conducted in an interactive atmosphere.

#PanairiILibrit #ConferencesForTranslators #Literature #Translation #PublishersAssociation #FacultyOfForeignLanguages #NonfictionTranslation #Children‘sLiteratureTranslation