6th International Conference Less Widely Used and Less Taught languages
Teaching a LWULTL : challenges for a linguistic plurality in Europe
20 and 21 Octobre 2022
University of Tirana in collaboration with the University of Poitiers
Organisation committee:
Anida Kisi, University of Tirana
Freiderikos Valetopoulos, University of Poitiers
Stéphanie Gobet, University of Poitiers
The 6th edition, which will be organized in collaboration with the University of Tirana, will focus on teaching French as a foreign language to learners who speak a Less Widely Used and
Less Taught language but also on teaching a Balkan language as a foreign language and to cross these observations with the results in the domain of French as a foreign language.
The following research topics are proposed:
Axis 1: Error analysis and learner corpora
Axis 2: Development of intercultural competence and teaching of culture
Axis 3: New technologies in the teaching of a foreign language
Other topics related to the general thematic can be considered.
Publications of the previous conferences
Kucharczyk Radoslaw, Smuk Maciej et Valetopoulos Freiderikos (dir), (en cours), Numéro spécial de la revue Synergies Pologne.
Kakoyianni-Doa Fryni, Monville-Burston Monique, Papadima-Sophocleous Salomi et Valetopoulos Freiderikos (dir.), 2019, Langues Moins Diffusées et Moins Enseignées
(MoDiMEs)/Less Widely Used and Less Taught languages Langues enseignées, langues des apprenants/Language learners’ L1s and languages taught as L2s, Editions Peter
Lang, 192 pages. ISBN 978-2-8076-1250-1.
Tsaknaki Olympia et Freiderikos Valetopoulos (éds), (2020), Langues moins diffusées et moins enseignées (MoDiMEs) : valeur ajoutée pour les langues largement diffusées,
Journal of Applied Linguistics 33. Valetopoulos Freiderikos, Boskovic Sanja et Rançon Julie (éds), 2016, Enseigner le français
langue étrangère à des apprenants natifs de langues modimes, Revue du Centre Européen d’Etudes Slaves, numéro 6. ISSN électronique : 2274-7397.
The languages of the conference are French and English.
You are kindly requested to submit your proposal to both email addresses:
When and Where : October 20-21st, 2022, University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania
Publication: It is planned to call for contributions at the end of the conference.
Deadline for submission of proposals: June 15, 2022
Date of acceptance/refusal: July 1st, 2022
Presentation: 20 minutes and 10 minutes for discussion
Abstract: Title of the proposal, Last name and first name, Affiliation (University and Research Team), abstract of 500 words (theoretical framework, objectives clearly announced
and corpus, 5 bibliographical references), Times New Roman, 12, margins 2,5 cm, line spacing 1,5 cm.
Proposals will be selected by a double-blind evaluation process

People reached
Boost post